Architecting Your Digital Space

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Qui maîtrise Internet, maîtrise le Monde...
- Christophe Bonnefont

Et vous, maîtrisez-vous votre présence sur le web ?

Actuel & Professionnel

Démarquez-vous et marquez les esprits avec un site internet moderne, vivant et ergonomique.

Intuitif & Malin

Parce qu'un visiteur sur votre site ne doit pas être perdu par le trop-plein d'informations, ayez une structure de site web intelligente, claire et précise.

Responsive (adaptatif)

Obtenez un site magnifique et rapide au chargement sur n'importe quel support (ordinateur, tablette et smartphone).

Elevate Your Framework: Constructing a Unique Digital Identity

Discover how your construction or architecture firm can rise above the competition. At PixelConstrukt, we don't just build websites; we lay the groundwork for your digital identity.

Raising the Roof on Your Digital Presence: Innovative Designs for Market Mastery

In the digital realm, visibility equates to viability. Our expertise in digital marketing ensures that your firm not only ranks higher in search results but also captures the essence of your brand, drawing in clients who are looking for exactly what you offer.

Designing Distinction: Building Your Brand Beyond the Blueprint

Your projects are meticulously planned and executed; your website should be no different. We specialize in creating digital experiences that encapsulate the essence of your work. We transform your online presence into a virtual portfolio that showcases your expertise and sets you apart from the rest.

Build your website a beautiful home.

Continuous Evolution

We focus on the whole package, meaning your digital presence is continuously updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest tech standards and trends. Stay modern, secure, and engaging without lifting a finger.

Proactive Support and Maintenance

Say goodbye to the hassle of seeking help for every minor issue. With ongoing support and maintenance included, we preemptively tackle problems and optimize performance, keeping your site running smoothly and efficiently around the clock.

Budget-Friendly Scalability

We handcraft our offer to your needs, making top-tier web design accessible. As your business grows, so can your website, with flexible options to expand and adapt without breaking the bank.

Discovery & planning

Together, we plan your new information architecture, user flows and CTAs. We visualise them in wireframes that can be discussed with your stakeholders and tested on your customers.

Scalable design systems

Our systematic design approach is future-proof and made to scale with your growing content. Just right for marketing teams who work with their website da

Modular CMS

With a modular and user-friendly CMS we make creating, publishing and updating content a breeze. No need to open a ticket and wait for weeks for that new post or blog to go live.

Let's get started.

Got a big idea? Tell us about it.

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